Imam Hussain and his Noble Family

1160 2013-11-18

Imam Hussain was born on Thursday the 3rd of Sha’ban, in the 4th year of the Hijra (10.1.626 CE). He is the second son of Imam Ali, his elder brother was Imam Hassan, thus he is the second grandson of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad. His mother Lady Fatima was the daughter of the Messenger of Allah. The greatness and nobility of this family is reflected in the personality of Imam Hussain.

His Agnomen and Blessed Childhood

Abu Abd Allah is the most famous agnomen of Imam Hussain: he also is called al-Shaheed meaning the Martyr. He was brought up in the house of Prophethood, the house which was in the land of the revelation of the Holy Qur’an by Jibra’il “In houses God has allowed to be raised up, and His name to be commemorated therein; therein glorifying Him, in the mornings and in the evenings” al-Noor(36:37).

This blessed newborn child had the honour of growing up in the house of his grandfather, Prophet Muhammad, his mother, Fatima al-Zahra, his father Imam Ali Amir al-Mu’minin (Commander of Faithful) and of his brother Imam Hasan.

Imam Hussain inherited dignity, faithfulness and good manners from this holy household, who were the greatest examples of mankind.

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