Iraq PM announces country’s full liberation from ISIS

4380 2017-12-10

The Iraqi military has fully liberated all of Iraq's territory of ISIS terrorists and retaken full control of the Iraqi-Syrian border, Haidar al-Abadi said Saturday in a statement.

"Our heroic armed forces have now secured the entire length of the Iraq-Syria border," the PM said on his Twitter account. "We defeated Daesh (ISIS) through our unity and sacrifice for the nation. Long live Iraq and its people."

The terrorist organization rapidly captured large territories in Iraq and Syria and declared a so-called caliphate three years ago.


Al-Abadi lauded the victory of the Iraqi Army and PMU in a televised speech, saying, “Dear Iraqis, your land has been completely liberated, and your towns and villages have been returned to the homeland. The dream of liberation became a reality. ISIS’ dream has ended. We must remove all its effects and should not allow terrorism to return again."

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