Reviving the third day after the sorrowful tragedy of Ashura, the mourning procession of the Bani Asad Tribe launches their annual ritual commemorating the burial of the holy corpses of the Master of Martyrs, his family and companions, peace be upon them all, who were martyred in al-Taff Battle in the year 61 AH.
It is narrated that on the third day after the Battle of Karbala (al-Taff), as women from the tribe of Bani Asad were drawing water from the Euphrates River, they found corpses scattered in the desert covered with blood as if they were killed on the same day. The women came back to their tribe crying and saying, “You are sitting in your houses, and this is Imam al-Hussein, grandson of the Messenger of Allah and members of his family and companions massacred like sacrificed sheep on the sand, how will you face the Messenger of Allah, the Commander of the Faithful and Fatima al-Zahra, when you will meet them? If you have missed fighting with them in the battle then you should stand up now and bury the pure bodies.” Therefore, the men of Bani Asad came to bury the pure bodies, however, they did not identify to whom each body belonged.
At that moment, Imam Zayn al-'Abideen arrived and started burying the holy bodies, and asked them to help him, and so the tribe of Bani Asad helped the Imam and participated in burying some of the martyrs. From this honor came the procession of Bani Asad Tribe every year on the 13th day of Muharram.